Tile installation photos! Did I say it feels like Christmas whenever I get customer installation photos? It also feels like my birthday. And that was especially true when I received these lovely photos a couple of days ago, on my actual birthday. It is an especially fun coincidence because this hearth just happens to be decked out in a celebratory pompom garland!
The tiles are glazed in watercolor blue, but the color is lighter than usual because the client requested a lighter version, which I was happily able to achieve by applying only a single coat of glaze instead of the usual two. The result was this pale, robin's egg blue which is very appropriate for a bird themed hearth. There is even a tile depicting a nest full of what could very well be robin's eggs front and center over the firebox:
upper left hand corner detail, nest tile is at midpoint
As you can see, the homeowners mixed a variety of 2x2 inch plant and animal tiles with some plain, field tiles. There are plenty of birds in the mix which tie in nicely with the bird sculptures on the mantle and the shelves on either side of the fireplace:

upper right hand corner detail- there is that nest again!
left side detail
And here is a close up of the right side of the firebox. Hearth crickets may be traditional, but there is no rule that says you can't have a hearth cicada, too!
Than you so much, A.B., for making my tiles a part of this project and for taking the time to send pictures. It looks fantastic and I hope you enjoy your new hearth for many years to come.