Autumn Hearth

I can barely believe how far behind I am with posting customer installation photos! I am sitting on dozens of photos of beautiful installations that I have received over the last year or more. Why haven't I been posting them? Who knows! Mostly I have just been really busy making tiles. But I realize that since so many of my wonderful customers have taken the time to send pictures, the I really need to make the time to post them. One of my many goals for summer break is to catch up on posting installation pictures. Or, if I don't catch up completely, I can at least make some progress...

With so many lovely pictures in my inbox, it hard to know where to begin. How about with a couple of pictures I received last month?

handmade tile hearth installation in living room

Isn't this an inviting living room? The handmade tiles in the hearth look so natural in this setting. The autumn glaze was a great choice for this project. It harmonizes perfectly with the handmade wood mantel, and it ever so subtly picks up on the red and blue color scheme of the room.

handmade tile hearth installation

The horizontal surface is made up of all 6"x6" field tiles. The vertical surface is mostly plain 4"x4" field tiles, with four 4"x4" "Pine" tiles featured at the top. Above is a close up I took of  of some of 4"x4" tiles before I sent them out.

In the close up, it is easier to see the hint of blue in the highlights. I really love that I get to see how wonderfully this installation turned out. It means so much to me when customers send installation pictures. Thank you, B.C., for including my tiles in your home, and for sharing photos of your lovely hearth and living room. Thank you to everyone else who has sent pictures, as well! More pictures coming soon!

Handmade Tiles Referenced: 

Ceramic Handmade Tile Installations, Fireplace Hearth Tiles, Handmade Tiles - , Emily Margaret Ulm

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