You don't always have to replace everything to remodel a bathroom. Just ask J.P. who got a whole new look in both her bathrooms without replacing the solidly built vintage vanities that were already in place. Instead of tearing them out, she carefully selected and assortment of handmade tiles that enhanced what was already there. For both bathrooms, she asked me to add a light wash of black underglaze beneath the glaze to tone down the brightness and bring out detail. For the larger of the two bathrooms, the glaze is "honey:"

In the words of the homeowner, "The little circles on the cupboards and the hardware go so well with the ceramic circle border. I guess I could say the cupboards are revitalized, keep their character and history but have a new charm."

Here is a close up of the black and honey glazed tiles from before they left the studio:

For the smaller bathroom, she went with an ocean theme. Once again, a light wash of black underglaze was used and then covered with two coats of glaze. In this case, the glaze was "watercolor blue:"

Here is a photo of the tiles for the second bathroom, prior to installation:

This client is a confirmed nature lover. When the tiles arrived she couldn't open them right away because she was on her way to a week long bird watching trip. I think that her method of remodeling her bathrooms is an extremely cool way to express her love of nature. The following messages arrived along with the installation pictures:
"The bathrooms are finished and I am so pleased with how they look. Every day they spark so much joy. I don’t think the pictures really do them justice. The colors are wonderful and seeing the tiles always makes me smile. They look so happy and remind me of all the wonderful creatures in the natural world.
I appreciate your talent and found it such a pleasure to work with you."
Wow, J.P, I really can't thank you enough for making my tiles a part of your happy home and for sharing the results with me and allowing me to share them publicly. You were a joy to work with as well, and I hope you enjoy your tiles for many happy, healthy years to come!