Happy Birthday, Drupal!

11 years ago today, Drupal version 1.0 was released.

DRU and I celebrated early by giving the Drupal “Drop” a plaster bath. Earlier in the week, I had sculpted two tiles based on the Drupal logo, so over the weekend I made a mold of them while DRU took pictures.

Drupal tile mold

Ready to pour the plaster.

It would have been nice to have pictures of the finished tiles today, but that didn't quite happen. All you Drupalists out there will just have to wait a little longer to see the world's first handmade Drupal tiles.  (Update 2/15/12: Link to Finished Tile)

drupal tile mold 2

Plaster has set, time to remove the orignals.

The is the first time I have made mold of a round tile. I also made a more traditional square tile. It will be interesting to see how the glazed and fired tiles look.

drupal tile mold 3

Finished!  Just needs a few days to dry.

For anyone out there is is confused by this post, “Drupal” is the name of the software that EmuTile.com has run on for the past 6 months. It has made the computerized portion of my job much more fun. I love Drupal, I really do. I love how well it works; I love how easy it is for me to use. I love that traffic to this website has tripled since we switched from a static website to Drupal. I love that Drupal is open source, meaning it is created by a global community rather than just one company. I love that the software itself is free! And I love my wonderful husband for introducing me to Drupal, building this website, and teaching me to add content whenever I want without breaking anything :-)

It is unlikely that I will ever learn computer programming, I just don't have the inclination. So I probably won't be contributing to the Drupal code base anytime soon, but that is OK. I use the software everyday, so in my own small way I am part of the Drupal phenomenon, which feels pretty good to me. So Happy Birthday Drupal. Thanks for inviting me to the party!

me in a drupal camp ohio t-shirt

Custom Handmade Ceramic Tile - , Emily Margaret Ulm

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