Just lucky, I guess...

Where does luck come from? Is it some quirk of the universe, or can you make your own?

2"x2" flour leaf clover tiles, leaf green glaze

I am a lucky person. I wish everyone could have the things I usually take for granted. Good food, fresh water, a nice home. A strong, healthy body. A loving and devoted partner. Supportive friends and family. A satisfying job that allows me to express myself creatively. Yes, I have made many choices in my life. And yes, if I had made different choices, my life would be completely different. Heck, I make choices every day that shape my life. However, my existence on this tiny corner of planet earth is also shaped by many factors that are completely outside my control. Maybe a charmed life owes to a combination of fate and intention? Or maybe it is has more to do with appreciating what is.

Oval Beach

me at Oval Beach on Lake Michigan, March 2012

If that's the case, let me state something for the record:

At this moment, as I write these words, I am filled with joy because I am alive here and now, experiencing this big, terrible, miraculous world. I am so grateful for the wonderful people in my life, for all of the beauty in the universe. I am especially grateful that I get to spend my life creating art. Maybe it won't save the world, but it lights me up and gives me purpose. Thank you to everyone who has helped me on my path. I am so happy to be where I am today.

Oval Beach 2

What else can I say? I guess I am just lucky...

Oval Beach 3

Handmade Tile - , Emily Margaret Ulm

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