A Mini Video of Sculpting a Handmade Tile

Last week, my dear friend, Mandi brought some art materials over to my house so we could catch up with each other while we both worked. (Craft dates are so fun! Note to self: I need to hang out with more local artists.)  She shot some footage with her iphone of me working, then she quickly edited it into a tiny video for me. What a sweet thing to do; she is a solid gold friend. Here I am sculpting my oak leaf design into the 3"x3" size:


This video makes me realize Darrell and I could make some more short videos of different parts of the tile making process. I had been avoiding videos, but no more. They aren't so intimidating if they stay short and sweet. 

The oak leaf tile in the video was for a customer who requested I re-size some of my plant desings into the 3"x3" size. Above is a "in progress" photo of all four of the new 3"x3"s.

I'll be making molds soon. In the meantime, all the new tiles are available for pre-order in our online store. Links appear below.

Handmade Tiles Referenced: 

Arts and Crafts Tile, Designer Ceramic Tile, Handmade Tile - , Emily Margaret Ulm

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