Our New Website has Lauched!

You may have noticed that EmuTile.com looks different all of a sudden. That is because our new website went live on Halloween! This is website #5 for our little business. (I chronicled the first 4 websites in a blog post just over 3 years ago when we launched the previous version.) Why so many websites? Because my husband is awesome, that is why. He is very security minded, so he strives to keep us up to date with current web standards. You can tell the new website has strong security because the web address for every page begins with "https://" instead of "http://", and depending on what browser you are using, you may see a small green locked padlock icon to the left of the url. It makes me very happy to know that our website is now as secure a possible. And I think it is rather pretty, too.

new website screen grab for EmuTile.com

Please click around! We welcome any feedback you have for us.

Thank you, Darrell, for building yet another website. I cannot quantify my gratitude. You are the best. Let's hope we get to keep this one for a while.


Handmade Tile - , Emily Margaret Ulm

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