Phases of the Moon Fireplace

This evening, the last full moon of the year will illuminate the sky, bringing light to what would otherwise be one of the longest, darkest nights of the year. In honor of that big, beautiful moon, I am sharing these installation photos from a local tile installer, Matt, of Rembrandt Tile in Cleveland, Ohio.

handmade tiles depicting the phases of the moon installed among black tiles around a fireplace

I am especially pleased to know that this hearth is in Matt's very own house! When a fellow tile professional chooses my work for their home, it feels like a real honor. You can check out some of his other stellar work on his website,

handmade moon phase tiles installed in a hearth surrounded by black subway tiles

It is also feels good to know I am not the only one who is a little bit crazy about the moon. I find it comforting to know it's always up there, and that everyone on earth sees the same moon when we look up at the night sky.

moon phase handmade tile hearth installation with black field tiles

I love the moon-rise layout he chose. Great job, Matt! Thanks for sharing your project. And if there any other Northeast Ohioans reading this who are looking for an installer, give him a call. His range is large and he is not intimidated by working with handmade tiles.

Ceramic Handmade Tile Installations, Fireplace Hearth Tiles, Fireplace Tile Ideas - , Emily Margaret Ulm

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