This gorgeous arched fireplace is part of a historic home in Illinois. While it may not be obvious, the green tiles on the floor are a recent addition.

This is what the homeowner has to say about the tiles:
"We had been looking for something that was beautiful and had the vibe that it may have been original to our 170 year old Victorian. Love them!"

The field tiles are 2x4 and 2x2 inch size, the feature tiles are 1x6, 6x6, and 1x1 inch size. Designs include "tree of life," "leaves," and "flower." Glaze on all tiles is "leaf green." The layout was designed by the client.

Big thanks to S.B. for sharing pictures of your beautiful fireplace. It makes me so happy to know that my tiles are now part of the continuing history of your home.
I also want to say thanks to everyone who has sent installation photos! I am still working my way through the backlog of customer installation photos, and there are some real gems that I haven't shared yet! I am going to keep posting them periodically until I get caught up.