We Love Ginko Gallery

Yesterday the post office was closed, but that didn't stop us from making a tile delivery. Darrell and I took advantage of the nice weather to drive these three boxes of tiles to Ginko Gallery in Oberlin, OH. This packing job would not have been adequate for the mail, but it worked just fine for us yesterday.

box of handmade tiles

We have a tradition of delivering tiles to Ginko Gallery in person whenever possible. It is the first gallery ever to carry my work, so we have been going there for over a decade. We try to visit at least once a year. The gallery is is a wonderful place to be. You can see artists at work, adopt a kitten, or (of course) buy art. Here is a bit of what  we dropped off:

handmade tiles for ginko gallery in oberlin ohio

Oberlin is a great place to explore. It is an old city, rich in history, but it is also a college town, which means it is full of funky shops and affordable restaurants. Definitely worth a visit!

Arts & Crafts Gallery, Arts and Crafts, Arts and Crafts Tile, Ceramic Art Tile, Decorative Wall Tiles, Ohio Tiles, Tile Art - , Emily Margaret Ulm

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