A Great, Gray Hearth

If you take a look at the decorations on this mantle, you can see how far behind I am on posting customer installation photos!

An light colored, ornate fireplace featuring carved wood and handmade tiles with thanksgiving decorations on the mantle and a fire burning in the firebox

Yes, those are Thanksgiving decorations and it is currently the end of June! Oops! Where does the time go? I remember working on this project very clearly because I was not feeling my best at the time. Last fall, I got bronchitis and covid almost back to back after attending the first two weddings I had been to since before the pandemic.

gray handmade tiles spread out on the floor of the studio so they can be packed and shipped

 Fortunately, I was still able to work and I don't think the quality of the work suffered!

gray handmade tiles in a variety of sizes with some plant and animal designs mixed in

The other reason I remember these tiles so well is they were on TV! In late November of last year, my business was featured on "New Day Cleveland," a local TV show, and they asked me for a photo of an installation that I really liked. I had just received the wonderful "in process" photo you see below and I loved it so I gave it to them to use.

handmade tiles, set around a fireplace, awaiting grout

The hearth before the tiles were grouted.

Afterwards, I realized I had forgotten to ask the homeowner's permission to use the photo! Fortunately, they didn't mind at all, and even told me they enjoyed watching the segment with their guests on Thanksgiving. People can be really great. 

An extra big thanks to the S. Family for seeking out handmade tiles for your home, and being so lovely to work with all around! It is greatly appreciated.

Ceramic Handmade Tile Installations, Fireplace Hearth Tiles, Fireplace Tile Ideas - , Emily Margaret Ulm

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