A long time coming

This "new" design was over six years in the making! I first sketched out the idea for it on January 28th of 2012. I know the exact date because right after I drew it, I cheerfully wrote a blog post about it, and then proceeded to forget about it for over four years.

drawing of a dandelion

(above: picture from 2012)

Nothing more happened with the dandelion until the summer of 2016, when normal tile production was stopped for 6 weeks so Darrell and I could make improvements to the studio, and (to a lesser extent) so I could work on some new designs. The improvements took longer than expected, so only three new tiles got finished during that period: the sitting cat, cicada, and the first 2"x2" buffalo

The dandelion was about 80% finished when I set it aside so the studio could be completely emptied, cleaned, and painted. When we finally put the studio back together at the end of August, this dandelion was no longer my top priority. It was shelved for two more years. I was starting to wonder if I would ever finish it.

Then something unexpected happened: someone actually read this blog! Last month, a customer came across the original dandelion post from 2012, and was disappointed when she couldn't find the finished tile for sale on the website. She contacted me about it, and that was just the nudge I needed to inspire me to put on the finishing touches and pour a mold...

handmade dandelion tile in progress

After having this idea in the back of my mind for so long, it was really fun for me to finally see the finished tiles. Hooray for follow through! You can now place an order for a 6"x6" Dandelion tile by clicking the link below.

handmade dandelion tile


Note: the tile at the very top of this page is was not made with one of my ten standard glazes. If you want to order one like it, make a note at checkout and/ or contact me. 


Designer Ceramic Tile, Tile Art - , Emily Margaret Ulm

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