Handmade Tile

A whole colony of bats just came out of the kiln! I just finished a large set of 2"x2" Bat tiles in Northern Lights Glaze for a customer. This is the most bats I have ever made at the same time, so I thought it was worth documenting.  I love bats, I think they are adorable. If you look close, you can see that my bats are smiling: We have had a real, live bat end up in our studio on two separate occasions. The first one was flying in circles around the room, so we just turned off the...

Arts and Crafts Tiles, Handmade Tile -

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11 years ago today, Drupal version 1.0 was released. DRU and I celebrated early by giving the Drupal “Drop” a plaster bath. Earlier in the week, I had sculpted two tiles based on the Drupal logo, so over the weekend I made a mold of them while DRU took pictures. Ready to pour the plaster. It would have been nice to have pictures of the finished tiles today, but that didn't quite happen. All you Drupalists out there will just have to wait a little longer to see the world's first handmade Drupal tiles.  (Update 2/15/12: Link to Finished Tile)...

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The weather has been sunny and warmish here for the last few days, which has me thinking about the coming spring.  The nice weather was just the inspiration I needed to sculpt this 4"x8" tile of daffodils and a tulip: It is based on this sketch.  I modified it slightly by switching from four to three flowers, I thought four would be a bit crowded.  Right now, I am happy with the results, but I am going to sleep on it.  If I am still satisfied with it tomorrow, I will make a mold.

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Thursday night, I sculpted a new tile.  Yesterday I made a plaster cast of that tile so I will be able to reproduce the new design. Once the plaster dries, I will be able to pack this full of clay and reproduce the original again and again.  You may be wondering what the design on the tile is.  It kinda looks like an abstract, art deco heart.  But that isn't what I had in mind.  Thanks to Photoshop, you can see what a set of four of them together will look like: It is going to be a four tile...

Arts and Crafts Tile, Handmade Tile -

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Geometric #1 has been a popular tile lately, so I have a fair number of them drying in the studio at the moment.  I think they look pretty together.  They are different colors because the clay isn't completely dry yet.  

Arts and Crafts Tile, Handmade Tiles -

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Thanks to everyone who helped make 2011 the best year ever here at Emu Tile!    We wish you health and happiness in 2012.

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Since all the tiles on the website are made to order, we never run clearance sales on EmuTile.com.  However, this week only, two of the venues that carry my work are running sales: GINKO GALLERY & STUDIO 19 South Main Street,  Oberlin Thanks for a wonderful Holiday Season.  We enjoyed time with our family and friends and hope you did too.  Now we want to invite you to our annual   BIG SALE! 3 days only!    25% off EVERYTHING in the store.  Thursday, Friday and Saturday. (12/29, 12/30, 12/31) All art supplies, ornaments, cards, pottery, jewelry, furniture..... everything in the store!    Why? We still...

Arts & Crafts Gallery -

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Yesterday was the winter solstice, otherwise known as the shortest day of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere.  That means as of today, the days are getting longer.  Maybe that is why this morning  I woke up before the alarm went off, feeling refreshed and enthusiastic.  My head is filled with new tile designs that I am looking forward to sculpting.  Here is a rough doodle of some ideas I am kicking around for new 4"x8"s. I really like the fist one- four flowers in a row.  Not sure what type of flowers to use yet, but I think...

Decorative Ceramic Tile -

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